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Michael 四處走走


20070924 YoKoSo [13/21] 嵯峨野觀光小火車
京都大阪遊【實際行程】 ● Day1:2007-09-21 (五):大阪地區桃園機場(08:40)→關西空港(12:15)→大阪,中野屋check in→大阪城→難波、道頓堀,夜宿大阪中野屋民宿● Day2:2007-09-22 (六):洛南地區大阪→京都,日本館民宿check i


yamie   2009/11/08 00:31
Sorry, may I know that where did you buy the ticket from Kansai Airport? I will go there 2 weeks later.
Michael   2009/11/08 22:24
Please check below link first.http://blog.xuite.net/haa123/blog/13663375You can buy this ticket in JR ticker center near the airport.

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