SQL Statement failed on preparation: (select A1.*, A2.user_webname from w_users A2, w_commentsfromblog A1 inner join w_kwrelation A4 on (A1.id=A4.postid and A1.type=5 and A4.type=5) inner join w_tags A3 on (A4.tagid=A3.id and A4.type=5) where A1.type=5 and A1.userid=A2.user_id and A1.pubDate > ? and (A3.w in ('鹿寮坑山','小尾山','龜殼山','小飛沙縱走','龍眼園窩山','茄冬窩山','三爺坑山')) and A3.bOrdinary = group by A1.id) union (select A1.*, A2.user_webname from w_users A2, w_commentsfromblog A1 where A1.type=5 and A1.userid=A2.user_id and A1.pubDate > ? and ((A1.description like '%鹿寮坑山%') or (A1.description like '%小尾山%') or (A1.description like '%龜殼山%') or (A1.description like '%小飛沙縱走%') or (A1.description like '%龍眼園窩山%') or (A1.description like '%茄冬窩山%') or (A1.description like '%三爺坑山%')) group by A1.id) order by pubDate desc limit 10 offset 0'
2022-1106 小飛沙縱走(龍眼園窩山-鹿寮坑山-小尾山-茄冬窩山-龜殼山-三爺坑山) by 陽明山腳下的法蘭克 - 旅聯網
  • 41 1

  • 航跡



[小飛沙縱走]又稱為[鹿寮坑六山連走], 山友們新開發此路的目的是為了[飛沙大縱走]下山之後, 可以O繞山徑返回飛鳳山停車場,不必用踢長長的柏油路車道~ 但[飛沙大縱走]+[小飛沙縱走] 21峰連走,路程很遠, 時間和體力是非常大考驗,請務必下載航跡備用,慎重評估考慮


unknown   2022/11/16 19:54
  • 本篇所屬分類

